Our daily routine defines what we are, what we think and
what we will do in the future. Often we grow up with a societal narrative as to
what we are supposed to accomplish in our lives. For most of us, it is what our
parents, media, friends, community, school, university, workplace and country
has ingrained in our thinking. As we progress in life the stereotypical
societal expectations are enhanced and reinforced, without us ever taking time
out to think why we are doing what we are doing in our lives.
Some consider this a modern phenomenon, but the truth of the
matter is that it has been going on throughout history. Many great men came to a point in their lives
where they questioned the prevalent mores, values, beliefs and customs of their
societies. The Prophet (SWAS) took time out to meditate in the wilderness
before divine revelation descended upon him. Even those who have been trained
into the religious sciences and have accomplished great stature, come to a
point where they seek to understand basic assumptions in life.
This happened to Imam Al Ghazzali as well. As the
Principal of the top center of learning of his time – the Nizamiyya of Baghdad -- he had reached the pinnacle of his professional
career. He had mastered, at least externally, what was known of the religious
sciences. He was an eloquent orator and an articulate debater of religious
doctrine. Nevertheless, he experienced a time when he was dumbfounded at the
essential meaning and purpose of his life. He did not understand why he was
doing what he was doing. After extended periods of confusion and internal
turmoil he took the bold decision to give up all he had – his career, position,
wealth, reputation, family, city, etc. He set out to live a life of a wandering
ascetic. He spent years in ignominy undergoing deep contemplation, dhikr,
spiritual exercises, etc. This experience transformed him. He used the
spiritual experiences he underwent to document the inner insights from the
meaning of the external Sharia that he was trained in his youth. After years of
solitude, he emerged into society to teach the kernels of truths he had
discovered -- some of which he documented in his Magnum Opum, Ihyaa Uloom Uddeen (The Revival of the
Religious Sciences). His explanation of Islam transformed it from rituals of
external fossilized customs to a meaningful transformative internal agent for
positive change.
Modern professors take a sabbatical from their daily
research and teaching. This has shown to add essential depth and meaning in
their vision. Modern day Muslims are eager to excel in their education and
career. Have they considered taking a sabbatical from their daily routine to
enhance their perspective of Reality? As witnesses onto humanity, Muslims have
higher goals than to just earn a living. To play their part out sincerely, they
need a deeper understanding of the world and this life than the common people
of other faiths.
Ideal periods to achieve this is at key crossroads in life:
after graduating from high school or university, after establishing yourself in
your career, after marriage, etc. It is important that one tries to broaden one’s
understanding at a stage in life which would allow him/her to contribute in
life later on. Most people undergo such changes after retirement only to
prepare for death.
Freeing oneself of the luxuries of life makes one independent
of many needs which chains many people into inaction and a compromised life.
Try living without your cell phone, the internet, a soft bed, rich food,
television, support from family and friends. Someone who undergoes such
experiences does not fear deprivation. Their eyes are always fixed on more
meaningful goals and they are able to sustain almost all circumstances in life.
The only thing that should not be compromised in the ability to practice the
deen, a simple but clean environment and access to quality Islamic education.
As parents, we should expose our children to tough
circumstances as well and arrange such spiritual retreats for them from an
earlier age; whether they be in the form of Muslim scout camps, long weekend
Muslim youth retreats, hiking trips, voluntary fasts, etc. Once they are old
enough we should encourage our children to enroll in study abroad programs to
third world countries, volunteer programs like Muslim Peace Corps and study
Islam formally with traditional scholars in the Muslim world.
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