The Orthodox Jews are a rigid traditionalist sect which believes in following the tenets of medieval Judaism to the letter. They can often be distinguished by their beards, vintage black European suits, shawls, robes and clannish nature. They often live in tight-knit communities with a leader who commands near-total obedience. Their women cover their hair out of religious obligation.
The Conservative Jews have a tendency to be mid-way between orthodoxy and liberalism. They accept the importance of the Law and accept Rabbinic authority, but they are less strict in its application. Rituals are important to them but can be modified.
Reformed Jews
have developed as a result of the concepts of modernism and post-modernism
movements in recent Western cultures. They are influenced by liberalism and are open to accept new ideas. The importance of rituals is down-played. They do not emphasize the "Return to Israel" and the re-institution of the old Jewish Law. This form of Judaism is popular among secularized Jews. Reformed Jews acknowledge ways and lifestyles that are not accepted by Orthodox and Conservative Jews due to relativism. Women can be rabbis in Reformed Judaism. Not so in other groups.
Two separate movements in Judaism arose in Europe that promote a mystical type of Judaism. The first arose in Muslim Spain in the 13th century called Kabbalah. It teaches that union with God can occur with meditation and contemplation. The second called Hasidim arose in Eastern Europe in the 18th century. It holds that enthusiastic prayer results in communion with God. Both these tendencies are alive and well in today's Jews.
There is a group of Jews that the other Jews do not accept. They are called Jews for Jesus. They acknowledge Jesus and his divinity. Other Jews believe that this is a Christian group made in order to destroy Judaism from within. Mainstream Jews do not accept
the coming of the Messiah in the form of Jesus. The utmost that they can acknowledge of that Jesus was a great man – neither was he a prophet nor divine according to them.
Zionism is a political, racist, discriminatory, extremist ans fascist movement started in the modern times to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. It is named after Mount Zion in Jerusalem where it is reported that Dawud (AS) built his palace after he moved from Hebron in 11th century BC. Thus Zion represents the Kingdom of David. Theodore Hertzel was the founder of Zionism. He was a journalist who was originally from Hungary. He was born in 1860 and graduated from Austria in Law. The main goal of Zionism was to lead Jews to control the world beginning with the control of Palestine. Hertzel attempted to negotiate with Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid over Palestine but failed. He established the First Zionist Congress 1897. According to Zionism all Jews of the world are members of one citizenship – Israeli. They believe that the Jews are a pure race that must lead and control other races. Their main source of planning and strategy is the Protocols of the Leaders of the Zion. Terrorism is the most important means that they used to achieve their goals.
The Zionist formed an organization called B'nai Brith. Membership to this organization is limited to Jews. It has spread throughout the world. In 1865 it worked hard to have a presence in Palestine. In 1888, they had built the first temple in Palestine. In 1894, they established the first village in Palestine near Jerusalem called Motzah. This became the nucleus of the Jewish state afterwards. The most important personality in this organization was Sigmund Freud. He joined in 1895 and was a regular member. In 1913, this organization started Anti-Defamation League to stand up to the defamation of the Jewish people. The apparent goals is to help the world, non-profit hospitals, human rights, etc. It provides resistance and prevention of antisemitism. It organizes cultural and religious exchange between Jewish students through Hillel Foundation. Its real objectives are to bring Israelis and Jewish students together, establish a Jewish state in Palestine, financially support the migration to Israel and provide all necessary support to Israel from all part of the world. They were instrumental in the declaration that the Jews were not responsible for the blood of Jesus to avoid conflict with Christians. They believe that the utmost loyalty of Jews is to Israel, regardless where they live.
The Jews have also formed secret societies like the Free Masons, Rotary Club and Lions all over the world. Secrecy is the first principle in these organizations. They remove all distinction of religion of their members. Apparently, their loyalty is to humanity. They are very dangerous and effective in their operation. The recruit the most influential people in politics and social life to be their members. Not all members are treated the same. Only those who have proven their loyalty and have reached a high level are informed of the organizations' real objectives. One of their objectives is to control the resources of the world. International Islamic organizations have warned the Muslims about joinning such organizations.
Traditional Muslim literature also mention other Jewish groups in history.
There was a group called the Farisioon. They were like the present day Orthodox Jews although there might be a difference in the doctrine and practices from the past
and now. Their rabbis believed in celibacy and they continued their
practices through adoption. They believed in resurrection, in the angels and in the hereafter.
Another group was known as As Sadaqiyoon which means the truthful. It was a form of calling them with what
they are not. They denied resurrection, accounting, heaven and hell, Talmud, angels and the Messiah.
A group was called Al Mutassiboon, i.e. the strict. They were close to the orthodox group but were characterized by intolerance. In 1AD, they started a revolution in which they killed
large number of Romans and all who cooperated with them. They were called blood thirsty or
A group were called Al Kataba, i.e. the writers. They learned the Jewish tradition through
writing and copying. They used preaching to spread their ideology. They were called
the wise and the masters. A person from them was called the father. They became
the richest group of the Jewish people.
A group was called Al Qaraoon, i.e. the reciters. They are a minority in the Jews.
They appeared as a result of the diminishing of the Orthodox group. They only
accept the Old Testament as Jewish Scripture. They give themselves the freedom
to interpret the Torah.
A group was called As Samirioon, i.e. Connected to As Samiri (the person who started calf worship). They were made up of people
who entered into Judaism from other than Bani Israel. They lived in the mountains. They accepted the prophet-hood of Musa, Haroon and Joshua but no one after them. They accepted the
prophet-hood of someone named Alfan who lived 100 years before Jesus.
A group was called As Sabaiyya, based on Abdullah Ibn Sabaa who appeared at the
time of Caliph Uthman. He claimed to be Muslim. He started political dissent among the
Muslims. He was a narrator of false hadiths. He was the leader of political turmoils and dissent
in Islam.
Jews of downama (downama means "return "in Turkish) is a group of Jews
organized by a Jewish person name Mordacain. He was originally from Spain and lived in
Turkey from 1626-1675. He established an organization in 1648, and claimed to be
Messiah of the Bani Israel. When he became a danger to society he was apprehended by the Ottoman government. Muslim scholars debated with him and they declared him as a heretic. When he was about to be executed he claimed to be a Muslim and named himself Mohammad Effendi. He instructed his followers to publicly adopt Islam but secretly stay
Jew. He requested the government to allow him to preach to the Jews. He was granted this request and he
used this to denounce Islam. After 10 years the government realized he was a
liar and exiled him to Albania where he died.
These Jews believe Mordacai was a Messiah for Bani Israel, his body was
taken up in heavens and came back in the form of an angel who dresses in robe
and turban. They do not offer prayers, they do fast, the do not wash from sexual impurity. Occasionally they appear in some Islamic festivities. They are not
allowed to marry Muslims. They have more then 20 festivals in the year. They
have their own attire. They do not initiate greeting others by themselves. They are very strong and widespread in
Turkey. They have control over the media, economics and politics. They helped in the
demolition of Islamic Caliphate and secularization of Turkey.