Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Philosophy of Work Life Balance

Work stress is killing us. Our health and family are suffering. We are becoming workaholics. How can we restore work-life balance in our fast paced lifestyles? If only there is a way by which we can fulfill all our responsibilities well while consistently delivering quality work.
There might be several approaches to work-life balance which work for different people. I would like to outline a generic methodology.
If we have a deep realization that we are not put on this earth haphazardly, but have a purpose and will be accountable for what we do with the gift of life, we will become very proactive. We will become program managers - managing and executing various projects for all aspects of our life. So, we have projects for our career, family, health, spirituality, education, finances and social circle. Each of these projects are important and cannot be neglected to maintain our natural state of happiness. For most people, there exists an all-encompassing philosophy that covers all the projects. Thus, they are integrated and lead to the overall vision.

We need to sincerely believe in our philosophy of life, whatever it is. For us it should not just be a philosophy, it should be reality. We must implement it and try to deeply understand it. When we try to understand it, we will start finding deep meaning in all our different responsibilities where everything is related to everything else. Thus, since we are working with a single overall personal vision, we will enjoy doing them all, even if it is something as simple as throwing the garbage out. We will strive to give every responsibility its due right – not neglecting anything.

We will have micro-visions and goals for every aspect of our life that fit with our overall vision based on our personal philosophy. Thus, we plan and track each aspect of our life as we tend to plan and track our professional work.

If we make our personal accountability based on our philosophy to be more important than anything, it will be easy to keep two steps ahead of the game by anticipating things that might happen and deal with them before they happen in all our projects. If we inculcate this proactive inner feeling within us, we will be pulled to do each activity of our life by being sincere to our philosophy rather than being pushed to do them without a vision. Thus, we would do each task with excellence and ease.

Professional work is one of our important personal projects within the program that an individual can manage well. If we do not manage other aspects of life well, we would become imbalanced, overworked and stressed. Our work would lack initiative, creativity, passion and quality. Our life would become miserable because it would become out of synch with the natural principles of well being.

Thus, we need to firmly manage expectations that others might have from us, otherwise we risk being burnt out. We need to set clear boundaries about what we can and cannot accept, then consistently deliver quality work based on it. We also tend to suffer most when our personal philosophy is not compatible with our corporate vision. If we work in an organization where we can grow our personal philosophy in line with corporate philosophy we can be more happy and balanced.

To keep ourselves motivated, we need to keep sharpening our personal vision by studying and reflecting on the sources of our philosophy of life daily so that we always increase in mindfulness and improve in all areas. We study the lives of successful role models who were able to achieve success in very different areas of their lives based on our philosophy.

If we become selfish and keep our secrets of success to ourselves, we risk drowning in the negativity of the people we interact with. Rather, we need to teach our philosophy of life to others by positively influencing them so that they can be empowered to self reform. Through this synergy, we become more efficient, balanced and happy as a society.

In terms of personal routines, we start the day before dawn, plan and execute each day as if we are strategizing a project. We just focus of getting one day right, every day until it becomes a lifestyle. We use the power of habits and scheduling to propel us. By observing our routine and experimenting with it, we try to find out what factors make us most productive. Removing distracting activities which do not add value, such as TV, too much news, social media and useless conversations, makes us focused. We have time to rest. We go to bed at the same time every night and get enough sleep. We eat healthy, exercise regularly and practice meditation at key stages of the day. Finally, it is essential to live with a supportive family who has imbibed these principles themselves.

In a nutshell, we need to willingly subject ourselves to the natural principles of our philosophy to stays happy carrying out the obligations of the philosophy. When we do this we would be subjecting ourselves to the natural system of all the elements of our philosophy. In that state of harmony, we can feel fulfilled, balanced and happy.